Do you have quality gear that you aren't using? Turn it into cash or store credit! We sell YOUR gently used outdoor gear and clothing - You get PAID! Easy as that!
Consignment rates per item:
$0 - $49.99 — 55% to you
$50 - $199.99 — 60% to you
$200 - $499.99 — 75% to you
$500 and up — 80% to you
+10% if taken as store credit
Products must be clean, in good condition, with usable life left in them.
Important Notes
When you first bring your item in for consignment we will evaluate it, determine if it's something we wish to accept, if it requires repairs, and its value.
All mountain bikes will go through an additional mechanical evaluation.
CLEAN items in good mechanical condition often get the best value!
The Mountain Works reserves the right to reject any bicycle.
We do not accept box store bicycles.